Book Review | Malibu Rising by Taylor Jenkins Reid

When a book blows up on Tik Tok, I am always hesitant to read it. Why am I like this? It’s like I am so scared it won’t live up to the hype or meet my standards of good reading. It’s a viscous cycle that ends up leaving me out of the loop for months on end. I finally picked up Malibu Rising after avoiding it since June and I am so glad that I did. It was refreshing to read some technically good writing and an incredibly heart-wrenching story.

What I love about TJR’s writing is her ability to have a cliff hanger at the end of every chapter. I felt the same way when I read The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo, like I was always anticipating something. I also love how she creates incredible imagery and shows emotion rather than telling it. There were so many moments during this read where I had to stop and drop a book dart or dog-ear a page because of a line that made my heart swell. There were so many times where I had to drop the book into my lap and take a deep breath from the impact of the emotions she provoked. The tone was consistent throughout the entire novel and I was completely transported to the world she created. She jumped around in timeframes and perspectives but I never felt lost. To me, this was superb writing and it made the story even more genuine.

As you may be able to tell, I definitely recommend this book!

I bought this book as my June Book Of the Month. I only recently subscribed to BOTM and I love the thrill of choosing a new book each month. The shipping is always incredibly fast and they include a different bookmark with each box. Plus, there are usually exclusives or early releases, like this one. To join BOTM, click here!

Don’t forget to follow me on GoodReads to keep up with what I am reading! 

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